Submission #8431533

Source Code Expand

// SNIPPET num
pub trait PrimitiveInteger:
    Sized + Ord +
    std::ops::Add<Output=Self> +
    std::ops::Sub<Output=Self> +
    fn one() -> Self;
    fn abs_diff(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn rem_euclid(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
macro_rules! impl_primitive_integer {
    ( $($t: ty)* ) => { $(
        impl PrimitiveInteger for $t {
            fn one() -> $t {
            fn abs_diff(self, rhs: $t) -> $t {
                if self < rhs { rhs - self } else { self - rhs }
            fn rem_euclid(self, rhs: $t) -> $t {
                let r = self % rhs;
                if r < 0 {
                    if rhs < 0 { r - rhs } else { r + rhs }
                } else {
    )* }
impl_primitive_integer!(u8 u16 u32 u64 usize i8 i16 i32 i64 isize);
pub trait PrimitiveUnsigned: PrimitiveInteger {
    fn ceil_div(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn round_div(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn log2(self) -> Option<Self>;
    fn ceil_log2(self) -> Option<Self>;
    fn sqrt(self) -> Self;
macro_rules! impl_primitive_unsigned {
    ( $($t: ty)* ) => { $(
        impl PrimitiveUnsigned for $t {
            fn ceil_div(self, rhs: $t) -> $t {
                (self + rhs - 1) / rhs
            fn round_div(self, rhs: $t) -> $t {
                (self + rhs/2) / rhs
            fn log2(mut self) -> Option<$t> {
                if self == 0 {
                } else {
                    let mut ans = 0;
                    while self > 1 {
                        ans += 1;
                        self /= 2;
            fn ceil_log2(self) -> Option<$t> {
                self.log2().map(|x| {
                    (self + ((1<<x) - 1)).log2().unwrap()
            fn sqrt(self) -> $t {
                (self as f64).sqrt() as $t
    )* }
impl_primitive_unsigned!(u8 u16 u32 u64 usize);
pub fn gcd(a: u64, b: u64) -> u64 {
    if b == 0 { a } else { gcd(b, a%b) }
pub fn bezout(a: i64, b: i64) -> (i64, i64, u64) {
    let (x, y, g) = bezout_sub((a * a.signum()) as u64, (b * b.signum()) as u64);
    (x * a.signum(), y * b.signum(), g)
fn bezout_sub(a: u64, b: u64) -> (i64, i64, u64) {
    if b == 0 { (1, 0, a) } else {
        let m = (a / b) as i64;
        let (x, y, g) = bezout_sub(b, a%b);
        (y, x - m*y, g)
macro_rules! forward_ref_unop {
    (impl $op:ident, $method:ident for $t:ty) => {
        impl std::ops::$op for &$t {
            type Output = <$t as std::ops::$op>::Output;
            fn $method(self) -> <$t as std::ops::$op>::Output {
macro_rules! forward_ref_binop {
    (impl $op:ident, $method:ident for $t:ty, $u:ty) => {
        impl<'a> std::ops::$op<$u> for &'a $t {
            type Output = <$t as std::ops::$op<$u>>::Output;
            fn $method(self, other: $u) -> <$t as std::ops::$op<$u>>::Output {
                std::ops::$op::$method(*self, other)
        impl std::ops::$op<&$u> for $t {
            type Output = <$t as std::ops::$op<$u>>::Output;
            fn $method(self, other: &$u) -> <$t as std::ops::$op<$u>>::Output {
                std::ops::$op::$method(self, *other)
        impl std::ops::$op<&$u> for &$t {
            type Output = <$t as std::ops::$op<$u>>::Output;
            fn $method(self, other: &$u) -> <$t as std::ops::$op<$u>>::Output {
                std::ops::$op::$method(*self, *other)
macro_rules! forward_ref_op_assign {
    (impl $op:ident, $method:ident for $t:ty, $u:ty) => {
        impl std::ops::$op<&$u> for $t {
            fn $method(&mut self, other: &$u) {
                std::ops::$op::$method(self, *other);
// SNIPPET bsearch
pub trait BSearch: Sized {
    type Item;
    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
    fn leftmost_item(&self) -> Self::Item;
    fn rightmost_item(&self) -> Self::Item;
    fn middle_item(&self) -> Self::Item;
    fn left_half(&self) -> Self;
    fn right_half(&self) -> Self;
    fn is_bsearch_converged(&self) -> bool;
    fn bsearch_left_max<F>(&self, mut is_left: F) -> Option<Self::Item>
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool
        if self.is_empty() {
        } else if !is_left(&self.leftmost_item()) {
        } else {
            let rightmost = self.rightmost_item();
            if is_left(&rightmost) {
            } else {
                Some(bsearch_left_max_sub(self, is_left))
    fn bsearch_right_min<F>(&self, mut is_right: F) -> Option<Self::Item>
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool
        if self.is_empty() {
        } else if !is_right(&self.rightmost_item()) {
        } else {
            let leftmost = self.leftmost_item();
            if is_right(&leftmost) {
            } else {
                Some(bsearch_right_min_sub(self, is_right))
fn bsearch_left_max_sub<Items, T, F>(items: &Items, mut is_left: F) -> T
    Items: BSearch<Item=T>,
    F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
    if items.is_bsearch_converged() {
    } else {
        if is_left(&items.middle_item()) {
            bsearch_left_max_sub(&items.right_half(), is_left)
        } else {
            bsearch_left_max_sub(&items.left_half(), is_left)
fn bsearch_right_min_sub<Items, T, F>(items: &Items, mut is_right: F) -> T
    Items: BSearch<Item=T>,
    F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
    if items.is_bsearch_converged() {
    } else {
        if is_right(&items.middle_item()) {
            bsearch_right_min_sub(&items.left_half(), is_right)
        } else {
            bsearch_right_min_sub(&items.right_half(), is_right)
impl<T: PrimitiveInteger + Clone> BSearch for std::ops::Range<T> {
    type Item = T;
    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.end <= self.start
    fn leftmost_item(&self) -> T {
    fn rightmost_item(&self) -> T {
        self.end.clone() - T::one()
    fn middle_item(&self) -> T {
        (self.start.clone() + self.end.clone()) / (T::one() + T::one())
    fn left_half(&self) -> std::ops::Range<T> {
        self.start.clone()..(self.middle_item() + T::one())
    fn right_half(&self) -> std::ops::Range<T> {
    fn is_bsearch_converged(&self) -> bool {
        BSearch::is_empty(self) || self.end.clone() - self.start.clone() <= T::one() + T::one()
impl<'a, T> BSearch for &'a [T] {
    type Item = &'a T;
    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
    fn leftmost_item(&self) -> &'a T {
    fn rightmost_item(&self) -> &'a T {
    fn middle_item(&self) -> &'a T {
        self.get(self.len() / 2).unwrap()
    fn left_half(&self) -> &'a [T] {
        &self[..(self.len() / 2 + 1)]
    fn right_half(&self) -> &'a [T] {
        &self[(self.len() / 2)..]
    fn is_bsearch_converged(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() <= 2
pub trait SliceBSearch {
    type Item;
    fn bsearch_left_max<F>(&self, is_left: F) -> Option<&Self::Item>
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool;
    fn bsearch_index_left_max<F>(&self, is_left: F) -> Option<usize>
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool;
    fn bsearch_right_min<F>(&self, is_right: F) -> Option<&Self::Item>
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool;
    fn bsearch_index_right_min<F>(&self, is_right: F) -> Option<usize>
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool;
impl<T> SliceBSearch for [T] {
    type Item = T;
    fn bsearch_left_max<F>(&self, mut is_left: F) -> Option<&T>
        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
        BSearch::bsearch_left_max(&self, |&x| is_left(x))
    fn bsearch_index_left_max<F>(&self, mut is_left: F) -> Option<usize>
        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
        (0..self.len()).bsearch_left_max(|&i| {
            let x = unsafe { self.get_unchecked(i) };
    fn bsearch_right_min<F>(&self, mut is_right: F) -> Option<&T>
        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
        BSearch::bsearch_right_min(&self, |&x| is_right(x))
    fn bsearch_index_right_min<F>(&self, mut is_right: F) -> Option<usize>
        F: FnMut(&T) -> bool
        (0..self.len()).bsearch_right_min(|&i| {
            let x = unsafe { self.get_unchecked(i) };
// SNIPPET read
pub trait Readable {
    type Output;
    fn words_count() -> usize;
    fn read_words(words: &[&str]) -> Result<Self::Output, String>;
macro_rules! readable {
    ( $t:ty, $words_count:expr, |$words:ident| $read_words:expr ) => {
        impl Readable for $t {
            type Output = $t;
            fn words_count() -> usize { $words_count }
            fn read_words($words: &[&str]) -> Result<$t, String> {
readable!((), 1, |_ss| ());
readable!(String, 1, |ss| ss[0].to_string());
impl Readable for char {
    type Output = char;
    fn words_count() -> usize { 1 }
    fn read_words(words: &[&str]) -> Result<char, String> {
        let chars: Vec<char> = words[0].chars().collect();
        if chars.len() == 1 {
        } else {
            Err(format!("cannot parse `{}` as a char", words[0]))
pub struct Chars();
impl Readable for Chars {
    type Output = Vec<char>;
    fn words_count() -> usize { 1 }
    fn read_words(words: &[&str]) -> Result<Vec<char>, String> {
macro_rules! impl_readable_for_ints {
    ( $( $t:ty )* ) => { $(
        impl Readable for $t {
            type Output = Self;
            fn words_count() -> usize { 1 }
            fn read_words(words: &[&str]) -> Result<$t, String> {
                use std::str::FromStr;
                <$t>::from_str(words[0]).map_err(|_| {
                    format!("cannot parse `{}` as {}", words[0], stringify!($t))
    )* };
impl_readable_for_ints!(i8 u8 i16 u16 i32 u32 i64 u64 isize usize f32 f64);
macro_rules! define_one_origin_int_types {
    ( $new_t:ident $int_t:ty ) => {
        pub struct $new_t;
        impl Readable for $new_t {
            type Output = $int_t;
            fn words_count() -> usize { 1 }
            fn read_words(words: &[&str]) -> Result<Self::Output, String> {
                <$int_t>::read_words(words).map(|n| n-1)
    ( $new_t:ident $int_t:ty; $( $inner_new_t:ident $inner_int_t:ty );* ) => {
        define_one_origin_int_types!($new_t $int_t);
        define_one_origin_int_types!($($inner_new_t $inner_int_t);*);
define_one_origin_int_types!(u8_ u8; u16_ u16; u32_ u32; u64_ u64; usize_ usize);
macro_rules! impl_readable_for_tuples {
    ( $t:ident $var:ident ) => ();
    ( $t:ident $var:ident; $( $inner_t:ident $inner_var:ident );* ) => {
        impl_readable_for_tuples!($($inner_t $inner_var);*);
        impl<$t: Readable, $($inner_t: Readable),*> Readable
            for ($t, $($inner_t),*)
            type Output = ( <$t>::Output, $(<$inner_t>::Output),* );
            fn words_count() -> usize {
                let mut n = <$t>::words_count();
                    n += <$inner_t>::words_count();
            fn read_words(words: &[&str]) ->
                Result<Self::Output, String>
                let mut start = 0;
                let $var = <$t>::read_words(
                    &words[start .. start+<$t>::words_count()]
                start += <$t>::words_count();
                    let $inner_var =
                            &words[start .. start+<$inner_t>::words_count()]
                    start += <$inner_t>::words_count();
                Ok(( $var, $($inner_var),* ))
impl_readable_for_tuples!(T8 x8; T7 x7; T6 x6; T5 x5; T4 x4; T3 x3; T2 x2; T1 x1);
pub trait ReadableFromLine {
    type Output;
    fn read_line(line: &str) -> Result<Self::Output, String>;
fn split_into_words(line: &str) -> Vec<&str> {
impl<T: Readable> ReadableFromLine for T {
    type Output = T::Output;
    fn read_line(line: &str) -> Result<T::Output, String> {
        let words = split_into_words(line);
        if words.len() != T::words_count() {
            return Err(format!("line `{}` has {} words, expected {}",
                               line, words.len(), T::words_count()));
macro_rules! impl_readable_from_line_for_tuples_with_from_iterator {
    ( $u:ident : $( + $bound:path )* => $seq_in:ty, $seq_out:ty; $t:ident $var:ident ) => {
        impl<$u: Readable> ReadableFromLine for $seq_in
            <$u as Readable>::Output: Sized $(+ $bound)*
            type Output = $seq_out;
            fn read_line(line: &str) -> Result<$seq_out, String> {
                let n = $u::words_count();
                let words = split_into_words(line);
                if words.len() % n != 0 {
                    return Err(format!("line `{}` has {} words, expected multiple of {}",
                                       line, words.len(), n));
                let mut result = Vec::new();
                for chunk in words.chunks(n) {
                    match $u::read_words(chunk) {
                        Ok(v) => result.push(v),
                        Err(msg) => {
                            let flagment_msg = if n == 1 {
                                format!("word {}", result.len())
                            } else {
                                let l = result.len();
                                format!("words {}-{}", n*l + 1, (n+1) * l)
                            return Err(format!(
                                "{} of line `{}`: {}", flagment_msg, line, msg
        impl<T: Readable, $u: Readable> ReadableFromLine for (T, $seq_in)
            <$u as Readable>::Output: Sized $(+ $bound)*
            type Output = (T::Output, $seq_out);
            fn read_line(line: &str) -> Result<Self::Output, String> {
                let n = T::words_count();
                let trimmed = line.trim_right_matches('\n');
                let words_and_rest: Vec<&str> = trimmed.splitn(n + 1, ' ').collect();
                if words_and_rest.len() < n {
                    return Err(format!("line `{}` has {} words, expected at least {}",
                                       line, words_and_rest.len(), n));
                let words = &words_and_rest[..n];
                let empty_str = "";
                let rest = words_and_rest.get(n).unwrap_or(&empty_str);
                Ok((T::read_words(words)?, <$seq_in>::read_line(rest)?))
    ( $u:ident : $( + $bound:path )* => $seq_in:ty, $seq_out:ty;
      $t:ident $var:ident, $( $inner_t:ident $inner_var:ident ),+ ) => {
            $u: $(+ $bound)* => $seq_in, $seq_out; $($inner_t $inner_var),+
        impl<$t: Readable, $($inner_t: Readable),+ , $u: Readable> ReadableFromLine
            for ($t, $($inner_t),+ , $seq_in)
            <$u as Readable>::Output: Sized $(+ $bound)*
            type Output = ($t::Output, $($inner_t::Output),+ , $seq_out);
            fn read_line(line: &str) -> Result<Self::Output, String> {
                let mut n = $t::words_count();
                    n += $inner_t::words_count();
                let trimmed = line.trim_right_matches('\n');
                let words_and_rest: Vec<&str> = trimmed.splitn(n + 1, ' ')
                if words_and_rest.len() < n {
                    return Err(
                        format!("line `{}` has {} words, expected at least {}",
                                line, words_and_rest.len(), n)
                let words = &words_and_rest[..n];
                let empty_str = "";
                let rest = words_and_rest.get(n).unwrap_or(&empty_str);
                let ($var, $($inner_var),*) =
                    <($t, $($inner_t),+)>::read_words(words)?;
                Ok(($var, $($inner_var),* , <$seq_in>::read_line(rest)?))
macro_rules! readable_collection {
    ($u:ident => $collection_in:ty, $collection_out:ty) => {
            $u: => $collection_in, $collection_out;
            T8 x8, T7 x7, T6 x6, T5 x5, T4 x4, T3 x3, T2 x2, T1 x1
    ($u:ident : $( $bound:path ),* => $collection_in:ty, $collection_out:ty) => {
            $u: $(+ $bound)* => $collection_in, $collection_out;
            T8 x8, T7 x7, T6 x6, T5 x5, T4 x4, T3 x3, T2 x2, T1 x1
readable_collection!(U => Vec<U>, Vec<U::Output>);
    U => std::collections::VecDeque<U>, std::collections::VecDeque<U::Output>
    U: Eq, std::hash::Hash => std::collections::HashSet<U>, std::collections::HashSet<U::Output>
    U: Ord => std::collections::BTreeSet<U>, std::collections::BTreeSet<U::Output>
    U: Ord => std::collections::BinaryHeap<U>, std::collections::BinaryHeap<U::Output>
pub fn read<T: ReadableFromLine>() -> T::Output {
    let mut line = String::new();
    std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut line).unwrap();
macro_rules! read {
    () => {
        let mut line = String::new();
        std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut line).unwrap();
    ( $pat:pat = $t:ty ) => {
        let $pat = read::<$t>();
    ( $( $pat:pat = $t:ty ),+ ) => {
        read!(($($pat),*) = ($($t),*));
macro_rules! readls {
    ( $( $pat:pat = $t:ty ),+ ) => {
            read!($pat = $t);
pub fn readx<T: ReadableFromLine>() -> Vec<T::Output> {
    use std::io::{self, BufRead};
    let stdin = io::stdin();
    let result = stdin.lock().lines().map(|line_result| {
        let line = line_result.expect("read from stdin failed");
macro_rules! readx_loop {
    ( |$pat:pat = $t:ty| $body:expr ) => {
            use std::io::BufRead;
            let stdin = std::io::stdin();
            for line in stdin.lock().lines() {
                let line = line.expect("read from stdin failed");
                let $pat = <$t>::read_line(&line).unwrap();
    ( |$($pat:pat = $t:ty),*| $body:expr ) => {
        readx_loop!(|($($pat),*) = ($($t),*)| $body);
pub fn readn<T: ReadableFromLine>(n: usize) -> Vec<T::Output> {
    use std::io::{self, BufRead};
    let stdin = io::stdin();
    let result: Vec<T::Output> = stdin.lock().lines().take(n).map(|line_result| {
        let line = line_result.expect("read from stdin failed");
    if result.len() < n {
        panic!("expected reading {} lines, but only {} lines are read",
               n, result.len());
macro_rules! readn_loop {
    ( $n:expr, |$pat:pat = $t:ty| $body:expr ) => {
            use std::io::BufRead;
            let stdin = std::io::stdin();
            let mut lock = stdin.lock();
            for _ in 0..$n {
                let mut line = String::new();
                lock.read_line(&mut line).expect("read from stdin failed");
                let $pat = <$t>::read_line(&line).unwrap();
    ( $n:expr, |$($pat:pat = $t:ty),*| $body:expr ) => {
        readn_loop!($n, |($($pat),*) = ($($t),*)| $body);
pub trait Words {
    fn read<T: Readable>(&self) -> T::Output;
impl<'a> Words for [&'a str] {
    fn read<T: Readable>(&self) -> T::Output {
impl<'a> Words for &'a str {
    fn read<T: Readable>(&self) -> T::Output {

// (sport, number of people)
fn max_sport(table: &[Vec<usize>], inclusion: &[bool]) -> (usize, usize) {
    let mut nums = vec![0; table[0].len()];
    for row in table {
        let i = row.iter().cloned().find(|&s| inclusion[s]).unwrap();
        nums[i] += 1;
    nums.iter().cloned().enumerate().max_by_key(|&(_, n)| n).unwrap()

fn main() {
    read!(participant_count = usize, sport_count = usize);
    let table = readx::<Vec<usize_>>();
    let ans = (1..participant_count+1).bsearch_right_min(|&k| {
        let mut inclusion = vec![true; sport_count];
        for _ in 0..sport_count {
            let (s, count) = max_sport(&table, &inclusion);
            if count <= k {
                return true;
            inclusion[s] = false;
    println!("{}", ans);

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task B - Sports Festival
User avtomat
Language Rust (1.15.1)
Score 700
Code Size 22488 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 138 ms
Memory 4476 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 700 / 700
AC × 3
AC × 24
Set Name Test Cases
Sample sample_01.txt, sample_02.txt, sample_03.txt
All sample_01.txt, sample_02.txt, sample_03.txt, sample_01.txt, sample_02.txt, sample_03.txt, subtask_1_01.txt, subtask_1_02.txt, subtask_1_03.txt, subtask_1_04.txt, subtask_1_05.txt, subtask_1_06.txt, subtask_1_07.txt, subtask_1_08.txt, subtask_1_09.txt, subtask_1_10.txt, subtask_1_11.txt, subtask_1_12.txt, subtask_1_13.txt, subtask_1_14.txt, subtask_1_15.txt, subtask_1_16.txt, subtask_1_17.txt, subtask_1_18.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
sample_01.txt AC 2 ms 4352 KB
sample_02.txt AC 2 ms 4352 KB
sample_03.txt AC 2 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_01.txt AC 2 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_02.txt AC 2 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_03.txt AC 2 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_04.txt AC 2 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_05.txt AC 2 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_06.txt AC 4 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_07.txt AC 12 ms 4476 KB
subtask_1_08.txt AC 3 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_09.txt AC 2 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_10.txt AC 2 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_11.txt AC 9 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_12.txt AC 2 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_13.txt AC 3 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_14.txt AC 9 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_15.txt AC 84 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_16.txt AC 12 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_17.txt AC 18 ms 4352 KB
subtask_1_18.txt AC 138 ms 4352 KB